2021 Covid and Flood Relief Fund

SR. AMBROSE'S RELIEF PROGRAM (above and below)

Or send a check to
Mind, Body & Spirit, Inc.
c/o Fred F. Harris, Jr.
Greenberg Traurig, P.A.
101 East College Ave.
Tallahassee, Florida 32301 USA
REPORTED BY SASKIA RAEVOURI, Fundraising coordinator
Sr. Ambrose: Sacred Heart Sisters Training School took a survey of those who suffered the most and who lost all their belongings, and selected 50 families to support through the relief program. The biggest concern was food availability in flood-hit areas and a dry ground with a roof over their heads.
After receiving the funds the SHSTS team started to do relief work. First of all, as per organization policy, we took three quotations from different shops from which we have to purchase dry food kits and shelter kit items. A shop named Grih Seva in Bettiah agreed to supply the dry food at a wholesale rate; the shelter kits were purchased wholesale from Basanti Tanga shop.
Our volunteers made 50 dry food packages and 50 shelter kit packages, and between 19 September and 21 September 2021 we distributed the prepared kits to the surveyed beneficiaries.
After receiving their relief kits, the poor families were very happy because they never thought that someone would help them such a way. The SHSTS team and I are very grateful to Saskia and the team of donors because this relief work is made possible only through your effort and sensitivity! Read Sr. Ambrose's unedited report here.
Sr. Crescence: Saskia, dear, what to say about the relief work, this time. At the arrival of your fund, we were happy may be little proud within also. God wanted to test us and He sent every day off and on heavy rain. Somehow we purchased the material and the FreeSchool teachers came in turns to do the packing. We were again happy that 400 packets were ready for distribution.
Now see the second test. We used to leave Bettiah when sky was clear but met heavy rain on the way and found people waiting in the rain, no umbrella, totally wet. What a pitiable scene! It was very disheartening to think of broken roads with water logging on, but the people’s suffering was a greater push that inspired us to go. Thanks to God that we reached to 400 people in their misery. We give them some food to survive, but we realized if the flood has washed away everything they had how will be the winter for them? We were moved with empathy.
THANKS for all great things you and the donors have done. God will definitely reward you all in big measure.
Sr. Ambrose: On August 28 she wrote, "We are in a process of doing Flood relief. According to our organization policy we have to get three estimates from three different shops before buying goods. Then we will select shops to buy distribution things. We are in this process now."
On September 10, Sr. Ambrose wrote that they are packing 50 shelter kits to distribute to the homeless families due to the flood, as well as dry food packets. She sent me the pictures in the slideshow at left.
Thanks to our donations, the Sisters are busy helping those left destitute by the combination of Covid and heavy floods.
Sr. Crescence now has the new batch of Bridge Course girls (more about that on the Bridge Course page), and has them helping prepare food packets for villagers. The FreeSchools teachers who have been temporarily unable to return to their classes are also employed to help with the relief work.
Now that the waters have begun to recede, Sr. Ambrose has sent pictures of the collapsed convent wall being rebuilt. After the brickwork, the walls will be plastered. She is also preparing flood relief packets and will have images of those being distributed soon.
Thanks again to all who helped make this work possible!
Since my last plea, we have received $1,400 and I have added the balance of $620 toward the Covid and Flood Relief fund to bring us to $8,000 -- which means FreeSchools World Literacy Canada will match the final $2,000 -- and we havereached our goal of $10,000!
Some of the funds are already being transferred, and the balance will be sent ASAP. I will continue to post reports here as I receive them from the Sisters.
THANKS to all who contributed and also those who wanted to help but are themselves in dire straits due to the pandemic. We need hearts as well as dollars!
UPDATE, JULY 20, 2021
Since my last plea, we have received another $1,450 towards Covid-19 and flood relief, for a total of $5,980 received so far! Thanks to all who donated so far! We are happy to hear that FreeSchools World Literacy-Canada is offering to match the next $2,000 that comes in, and then we will have made our goal! Meanwhile, the Sisters are already delivering food using "borrowed" school and Bridge Course money until we can transfer the funds collected so far (which we will do this week).
According to Sr. Ambrose, one packet of food supplies a family of six for one week. Villagers eat twice a day: in the morning they eat rice and dal [lentil stew] and for dinner atta roti [flatbread made with wheat flour] and curry. She is also putting together shelter kits for those left homeless, which I will describe in detail next time. When I asked her what the government did, she replied that occasionally they distribute beaten rice & jaggery [a sweetener made from sugar cane] for a one-time meal, and for collapsed homes they give some families a simple plastic sheet.
Nitesh, Sr. Crescence's assistant, said that "their present condition is such that they have to depend on begging." On Sunday I asked if it was still raining, and he replied, "We had heavy rain for two days Thursday and Friday. Saturday and today was a bright day but the sky this evening is cloudy. If the rain continues the situation will be worse and if rain softens the situation will improve." So, they are not out of the woods yet!
UPDATE, JULY 16, 2021
Since my request several days ago, we have received another $2,505 towards Covid-19 and flood relief for the stricken families in Bihar, and this means Mind, Body and Spirit has matched the first $1,000, for a total of $4,530 received so far! Thanks to all who donated and also to the generous folks at MBS!
Sr. Crescence has organized her teams just as last year with the first Covid wave, and has already started delivering food, "borrowing" from earlier funds we sent until this new money arrives.
Sr. Ambrose has also begun to purchase food and shelter kits for the Sugauli flood victims (pictures coming soon), as well as materials for the collapsed convent wall so that construction can begin as soon as the water level goes down. She apologized that her original estimate of $1,000 was low, and it will now cost around $1,800 for a wall 71 ft long by 16 feet high. (Damage was more extensive than originally thought.)
UPDATE, JULY 9, 2021:
Since my request two days ago, we have received $925 towards Covid-19 and flood relief for the stricken families in Bihar. Thank you so much to those who donated! And in addition, the board of Mind, Body and Spirit has voted to match the first $1,000!
Both Sr. Crescence and Sr. Ambrose have started purchasing food and are organizing their teams just as last year with the first Covid wave. I authorized them to "borrow" from the earlier Bridge Course and BEC funds we sent until this new batch can arrive.
Now Sr. Ambrose reports that the boundary wall of the Sugauli convent has collapsed due to the flood, a total of around 30 feet long by 10 feet high (see image at left), which she estimates will cost around $1,000 (INR 68,950) to rebuild once the land is dry again. This is serious because the Sisters need it for their protection, as it is a dangerous, primitive world outside the convent walls. (I will also ask her if the Catholic Church provide funds for such disasters, but sadly they do very little for these Sisters.)
I asked her if the government does anything to help those who lost their homes to rebuild and she said no. This is all so tragic, and in addition people are still suffering from Covid with no place to go!
JULY 7, 2021:
Sr. Crescence
Recently Sr. Crescence wrote me that the second Covid-19 attack in Bihar was worse than the first, in numbers and in intensity. Lockdown was stricter and the town of Bettiah was declared a red zone. Two of her blood sisters died of Corona in Patna. (She herself had received the first vaccine and just the other day had her second.)
Last week she gave an update. This time the damage was so much worse, it often swept away two or three persons from one family, making families parentless or childless. She said she witnessed such scenes with her own eyes in their neighborhood. Sadly, one of her convent Sisters, Sr. Madhu, lost her sisters and a brother-in-law in the same family in the space of one day.
No only were Bettiah and its neighboring villages badly affected by the virus, from 11 June to 17 June they were deluged with continuous rainfall, which led to heavy flooding. Bettiah is near the border of Nepal, so when it rains heavily in Nepal, Nepal opens its floodgates and Bettiah and surrounding villages get inundated. This time the rain came to Bettiah and Nepal at the same time, so they got a double dose.
The poorest of the poor villagers now face not only sickness, joblessness and starvation, they are either waterlogged or their mud and straw houses are washed away. Sr. Crescence and her assistant, Nitesh, tried to reach out to some of the villages but because of the damaged roads were able to access only two, Belwa and Lalgarh. One teacher, Subhdra, was in bed; another, Anita, and her three daughters had nothing to eat.
In Motihari (where we have FreeSchools centers) the supervisor informed Sr. Crescence that practically every teacher was suffering from fever, perhaps a mild attack of Corona. About the children, most of their earning members are jobless and some died, so they are facing utter poverty. The rains and floods have prevented Sr. Crescence from visiting them.
Sr. Ambrose
Back in May, Sr. Ambrose wrote me that the second wave of Covid in Bihar was much more dangerous and many persons she knew personally had died. The lockdown was very strict and she had to temporary close her Sugauli schools. All three Sisters at her convent had the first dose of the vaccine. Now the rules have been slightly lifted, vehicles can be used but the night curfew is still in effect. Marketing and shopping time is increased but public gathering places are under strict control. Once again, migrant workers were forced to return home without any sort of earnings to support their families.
But now they have an added problem with Covid-19: the floods from continuous rainfall. Very poor families with mud and straw roof houses are left homeless without food. The lucky ones are given shelter on government school terraces, others camp out. (When Sue Tennant and I were there after the disastrous 2007 floods, we saw family after family camping out on higher ground, usually alongside the road—see pictures).
Last week Sr. Ambrose's assistant Vishal drove the Wingar van through the flood water to see the affected area. He reported a pathetic sight of people without food and shelter. (I told her please don't drive the van through the flood waters or it will get rusty and then we'll have to buy her a new one!)
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Sr. Ambrose wrote: "Saskia, is there any possibility to support these?"
Sr. Crescence wrote: "So we feel pity at the condition of the people. But what can I do? God will definitely help them."
Yes, God will help them, but only through people like US who make it possible!
I sent Sr. Crescence a little from my personal account, and she and her staff are now busy locating those in most desperate need. If anyone finds it in their hearts to pitch in any amount at all, it will be so appreciated! Paula Sutton at Mind, Body & Spirit has created a special Paypal button, "Covid and Flood Relief in Bihar." You may also mail a check to Fred Harris of Mind, Body & Spirit. As usual, all donations are tax-deductible.
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P.S. Now that more and more people are slowly being vaccinated, the lockdown is gradually being lifted in Bettiah. The Bridge Course was set to resume on July 1, but the floods have made it difficult for the girls to travel to Bettiah from their badly-affected villages. As soon as possible Sr. Crescence plans to take her vehicle and driver to pick them up. (Thankfully the convent and dormitory buildings are on higher ground and made of brick, so safe from floods.) More about that later!