Covid-19 Bihar Relief Fund

REPORTED BY SASKIA RAEVOURI, Fundraising coordinator
UPDATE September 5, 2020: Our dear Sr. Ambrose is recovering from Covid-19. She was diagnosed on August 11. Previous to that, Sonalal, one of her Sugauli staff, died of coronavirus. Vishal, her driver and assistant, tested positive. Then Sr. Ambrose began to feel feverish, with a sore throat and body aches. Vishal suggested that because they had worked so closely with Sonalal making and distributing the dry food packets, all involved should undergo testing for Covid-19 and only Sr. Ambrose was found positive.
At that point they decided to put the Sugauli food distribution mission on hold from August 12 until it was safe to continue. All are in quarantine. Sr. Ambrose writes that the virus is spreading wildly in Bihar and is uncontrollable all over India. National lockdown has been extended to September 7.
On August 25 she wrote: "Today my 12th day of quarantine. I feel much better. Thank you for praying for me. After 2 or 3 days I will go for the test. I take care of myself with timely medicine, salt gargles, steam inhalations & Vitamin C, eating fruits, etc."
I have written to Sr. Ambrose for an update and she has not responded yet. Please send her some loving thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.
UPDATE September 4, 2020: Under Sr. Crescence's direction, her staff resumed food distribution in Motihari. Due to her advanced age, Sr. Crescence did not venture into the villages but remained safely in the convent! I will post pictures on the website soon
UPDATE August 3, 2020: Below is a message I received from Sr. Crescence on July 16 but I was not able to post it until now. Since then the Bettiah and Sugauli regions have been experiencing severe flooding which, on top of the growing pandemic, has compounded the tragedy for the poorest of the poor whose homes are often washed away in the annual deluge. I am waiting for more details of the situation from Sr. Crescence and Sr. Ambrose.
From Sr. Crescence, July 16, 2020:
Report of Covid-19 Relief Work
Second Round in Bettiah
[download PDF]
The mission began with a survey, to trace out or to locate the most unfortunate ones, the most unlucky and deprived ones, the most forgotten and left out ones. The survey needed time and authentic measure to obtain genuine result. After real hard work we succeeded in tracing real needy ones. Every place we surveyed. We found this was a larger group than the previous ones. But we stopped at 10-15 maximum.
Under such terrible time government of India has launched two generous schemes to save people from dying of hunger. 1. Free rations, 2. Free gas to all suffering, for 4 months, to be given on their B.P.L. (below poverty level) card. But these people cannot have this help, they do not have B.P.L. card even. Second scheme every one having B.P.L. card and bank account in their name can get RS-1000 from government. These people never had any surplus to put in the bank, so no bank account. So we are justified in saying during this time of Covid-19 and lockdown these are most unfortunate and most suffering people.
Thanks that we have distributed the dry food packet to 250 needy people [families] in Bettiah. For them fate is more powerful than God. “After giving them birth God leaves them in the hands of fate” -- this is their belief so suffering and poverty is their destiny. But this act of generous charity assures them God takes care of us through generous people like you donors, so please accept their innocent thanks. Kindly reach this thanks of people to all donors.
Saskia and all our donors, you will be surprised to know, there is one more group of people who want to say they appreciate what you do during this time of Corona. One businessman, who supplies us food materials, to join with you, he supply us things at cost prize, no gain for himself. One more thing he asked their staff to work extra hour free of cost in supplying relief materials to us. Third thing admirable is that before we could place our order he anticipated the need and brought the stuff from outside to save us from the raise in price. How great it is!!
Everyone is good, because God is good. As you are good and you do great things. Because the love for all of is great and under the shadow of this great love, we also look great, so big thanks to you and all.
Note-1. Government is high alert corona has taken very serious turn, spreading very fast. There is possibility of flood very soon. [Happening now]
2. Total lockdown is in Bihar till 31 July. [Extended to August 16.]
3. All schools closed, children at home.
With much love,
Sr. Crescence
UPDATE June 23, 2020: Both Sr. Crescence and Sr. Ambrose reported that they have received the second round of funds we sent them. They are now busy purchasing and packing more food for another round of distribution. We have now collected a total of $14,508 and will send them a third round of funds this week -- enough for them to do their amazing work for many weeks to come!
UPDATE June 14, 2020: Motihari: The packets have been distributed to the villages in Motihari. A detailed book is kept (see image in slideshow) describing the name of the village, the receiver (usually the FreeSchool or Bridge Course student), father's name, address, how many family members, way of income, and the receiver's signature. A lot of planning has gone into the distribution, to make sure that the neediest are the ones being helped.
UPDATE June 9, 2020: Bettiah: Food has been purchased and is being packaged for the mission to Motihari.
UPDATE June 7, 2020: From Sr. Crescence -- here is the translation of the article published in “DAINIK JAGRAN" Hindi newspaper:
“To educate and empower the poor children – the aim of Bridge Course & W.L.P [FreeSchools World Literacy]
During the crisis of Covid-19, W.L.P & Bridge course distributed hundreds of dry foods packets in different villages of different blocks and saved many children and widows and helpless people from dying of hunger. This is really work of charity. Its generosity cannot be explained in words. Bridge Course organization empowers and educates the poor girls free of cost. It works under Fakirana Sisters society in Banuchapur, Bettiah under the director Sister Crescence.
First round of mission in Bettiah just got over with the fund we received and you see how much approximately is all ready spent. But there are still more hungry people in Bettiah. Now we will begin our mission in Motihari with the fund that is on the way. If you allowed to used the balance of the second fund for Bettiah, we can have a second round for other hungry people in Bettiah. So please let me know. With much blessing on you, Geri and all the donors.--Sr. Crescence
UPDATE June 4: Sr. Crescence reports that they have distributed food packets to 200 families and some helpless widows, in villages where we have FreeSchool centers and where our past and present Bridge Course girls come from. Each bag contains rice, pulse (lentils, beans, etc.), beaten (flattened) rice, noodles, potato, onion, oil, spice, and two piece of soap.
She said, "Those who received the packages were utterly grateful, looking at us with respect and tears of gratitude in their eyes, as if we were God. But I said to thank those great people who have sent all this for you. Those who did not receive anything looked at us also with tears in their eyes, as praying to us, give me also something. That scene was painful. I wished Jesus was there to multiply the packets and give to everybody.
"So dear Saskia and Geri, you are wonderful and wonderful are your co-donors. Our heartfelt thanks and thanks of our people to each one of you. May God bless you in great measure. Remember we have served only Bettiah, Motihari is waiting. Our newspaper Hindustan speaks so highly about our Covid-19 relief work." (See image: I have asked her for a translation!)
UPDATE June 1: Sr. Crescence and her assistant Nitesh have distributed food packets to the villages of Lakhnipur, Teluwa, Nautan, Mangalpur and have another 20-25 villages to go. Sr. Crescence wants us to know that the recipients are very happy and wish to heartily thank all the donors! I have added some images to the slide show.
UPDATE May 28: Sr. Crescence and her staff have purchased food and are preparing packets to bring to 220 families in the Bettiah area dry food for two weeks. They have their banner made (which Indians love!) and have obtained a vehicle pass. In the slideshow on the left are some images.
UPDATE May 23: Sr. Crescence has received the start-up funds we sent her earlier and will soon report on the food distribution to the Bettiah villages and send a report with pictures.
UPDATE May 21: On May 19-20 Sr. Ambrose and her staff brought a two-week supply of dry food to the 75 neediest families in the Suguali villages where our FreeSchool and disabled children live. We are now raising funds for a second round as the corona crisis is not easing up in the region. Some families have received rice and potatoes from the government, but those without ration cards or a bank account have nothing. Sr. Ambrose reports:
"When we go to villages I talk to women about their survival. I feel deeply for them that they starve. Migrant labourers (men) who are in other states of India, their life is miserable. The government provides them with one simple meal for the whole day. Since not working they have no money for themselves or to send to their families. The Indian government has now arranged to transport the labourers to their families, but many prefer to remain where they are because when they return they are under quarantine for 15 days to 21 days. They cannot meet family members and eat only government meals. They are only allowed to their homes after this quarantine period is over. Now I am unable to say when they can earn properly. Positive cases are increasing now. Just today's news for Sugauli found three positive cases through migrant workers return."
UPDATE May 19 from Sr. Ambrose: "Today we went to Rampur village where Puja is the teacher. [Staff members] Vishal and Sonalal first made the assessment of approximately 35 miserable migrant families there who starve and hunger for food. Since then we have made assessment at other centers. On the way we also distributed dry food to the families of the disabled children."
May 4 2020: I have heard from Sr. Crescence in Bettiah and Sr. Ambrose in Sugauli that coronavirus has come to Bihar and the entire region is in lockdown until 17 May. The Bridge Course girls have gone home to be with their families as are all the FreeSchool children. Sr. Crescence is alone in the Bridge Course building at the Bettiah convent with one girl for company, and Sr. Ambrose is with two other sisters in the Sugauli convent.
In the villages where the girls come from and where we have FreeSchool centers, many of the breadwinners are migrant laborers who need to travel around India for work. With the sudden lockdown, these men cannot go home and their families have no money for food.
Sr. Ambrose wrote: "Our Government here is so strict. . . .Our PM Modi did not give time for them to return to their families. Suddenly Modi announced LOCK DOWN. They are held up in the place where they were laborers. They suffer much, no train, bus, vehicles to return to their houses. This has created such a misery to the villagers. Here from each village an average of 40-50 households depend on migrant work for their daily food and needs. They received ration cards for each of them to get 5 kg of rice and 5 kg of wheat, also Modi announced Rs.1000 ($13) for each household who has a bank account and passbook. So far this amount did not reach them. . . We are only 3 sisters here. We could not get out of gate and no one was allowed to come inside. Govt. team was checking everywhere whether we keep the discipline."
Sr. Crescence wrote on 3 May: "Five positive corona cases found in Bettiah, chances are that Bettiah will be sealed like Motihari and Muzaffarpur, lock down to be extended further. Ever since this I heard this news I am pained now the people will die not from corona but from starvation. How can we help children and their parents in this situation? Most of them do not have even one proper meal a day. I with the help of my staff have done a survey of areas of FreeSchool centers and have collected some information about most needy children and people."
I phoned her and said I would try to raise some money, and she replied: "See how the good God gave you the same thought.Thank you so much for your kindness and assurance of extra help. Whatever you will send, we shall try to reach it to those in utter need."
This amounted to around 220 families in the villages around Bettiah and Sugauli where we have BC girls and FreeSchools families. Each family of 5-6 persons can eat for around $6 to $7 per week. Their diet consists mainly of rice, lentils, flour, onions, cooking oil, and salt.
Sr. Crescence will use the funds to purchase those items and prepare a "packet" of food for the most desperate families, which they can come to the convent to pick up. Sr. Ambrose plans to purchase the food and use the Disabled Children's Vehicle to bring the packages to the five villages where we have schools in her area.